Carbon Neutral
Icelandic Glacial takes immense pride in running a completely sustainable operation fueled entirely by geothermal and hydroelectric power. At 7,688 sq. ft., the world class facility is one of the world's greenest and cleanest. Fully automated and hands-free, the facility is capable of producing up to 30,000 bottles per hour.

In a commitment to reach a target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, Icelandic Glacial measures and reduces emissions through a combination of internal reductions and environmental instruments on an ongoing basis. To offset any remaining emissions, Icelandic Glacial invests in verified renewable energy, forestry and resource conservation projects around the world that generate further reductions.
Our efforts have been rewarded with international recognition, most notably winning the 2007 Bottled Water World Design Awards for Best Sustainability Initiative, presented at the Global Bottled Water Congress.
Zenith International Source Sustainability Report